Participate in the Recipe Design Contest!
Participate in the Recipe Design Contest!

New World is taking part in the 2024 Playing for the Planet. This is an annual project organized by Playing for the Planet where gaming studios are challenged to implement ‘green activations’ into their games. This year’s event is about making small changes to the way we eat to drive demand for more sustainable food sources.

With sustainability in mind, players have now the opportunity to design a new in-game cooking dish. While resources in Aeternum may respawn infinitely, we must consider the environmental impact of our choices in the real world.

Join Feast for the Future to help bring more sustainable food options to Aeternum. You can find all the details here. The winning dish will linger across Aeternum as a new in-game recipe. What will you take from Aeternum to table?

The 5th edition of the Green Game Jam has begun, aiming to get one million players to take action for the environment.

Unlike other game jams that build games from scratch, the Green Game Jam supports studios to build activations that focus on an environmental theme into their existing games.

Whilst we already have our full list of participants locked in, we’re always open to studios who want to get involved. Drop us a note at to find out how you can get involved.

New World is a fantastic game when you are “into” it. Even the most jaded players will admit how great it is during the honeymoon period. Do not let the potential of the game being unfun down the road stop you from enjoying arguably the pinnacle of the action MMO genre.

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However, you also need to treat this game for what it is and not expect it to be your long term, every day, year-round MMO home. I know, it sucks because of the potential but this is the reality of New World. The population does not maintain and the endgame lack of content + various other underlying gatekeeping problems like war/territory ownership only compound this problem.

So my advice is this – Enjoy the game while you’re having fun and when you start to not have fun, simply don’t play. This is not a traditional MMO (which AGS is strongly pivoting away from mind you) and you honestly should treat it more like a seasonal game where the best time to get in is during fresh start. That Green Game Jam is when it is the most fun with the booming population and everyone starting on an even playing field (mostly). Ride that wave until you stop having fun and then dip until they either fix endgame/add content or until a new wave of fresh start servers drop.


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